Namaste! 致美麗的行者們,今天要跟大家分享並介紹哈達瑜珈。
『瑜伽是心靈波動的靜止。 』- 帕坦加利(瑜伽始祖)
瑜伽經(Yoga Sutra)將瑜伽劃分為八肢(eight limbs of yoga),分別為:
1. Yama - 持戒
2. Niyama - 精進
3. Asana - 調身(體位)
4. Pranayama - 調息(呼吸)
5. Pratyahara - 攝心(回歸內在)
6. Dharana - 凝神(專注)
7. Dhyana - 入定(冥想)
8. Samadhi - 三摩地
瑜伽不只是一種健身鍛煉。 哈達瑜珈是一種結合身體運動和呼吸控制的系統。 西方大多數的瑜伽形式都可以歸類為哈達瑜伽,哈達簡單來說指的是身體瑜伽姿勢的練習,意思是你的Ashtanga阿斯湯加瑜伽,Vinyasa瑜伽,Iyengar艾楊格瑜伽和Power Yoga力瑜伽等課程都是源自於印度最古老的瑜伽-哈達瑜伽。 “hatha”這個詞可以翻譯成兩種意思:“恣意的”或“有力的”,或者活動的瑜伽;以及“太陽”(ha)和“月亮”(tha),也就是平衡的瑜伽。 哈達瑜伽的練習旨在調整和平靜你的身體、思想和精神,為冥想做準備。因此瑜伽最後一個動作Savasana有沈澱、及進入冥想的一種狀態。
Namaste, beautiful creatures and yogis! Today I would like to share and explain what Hatha yoga is.
Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind. - Patanjali
The practice of Yoga is the art and science of creating an intimate union between the mind, body and spirit so that one can live healthy and in harmony.
According to Yoga Sutra, there are eight limbs of yoga:
1. Yama - rules of moral code,
2. Niyama - rules of personal behavior,
3. Asana (yoga postures),
4. Pranayama - yoga breathing techniques designed to control prana or vital life force,
5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses,
6. Dharana - concentration,
7. Dhyana - the practice of meditation,
8. Samadhi - merging with the divine.
Hatha Yoga focuses on the third and fourth limb of yoga and therefore is a popular yoga choice in today’s fitness community. It is a generic term that refers to any type of yoga that teaches physical postures coupled with breathing.
The word “hatha” literally means force, and is derived from Sanskrit words “ha” means sun and “tha” meaning moon. The word yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word “yuj” which means ‘to yoke’ or ‘bind’ and is often interpreted as “union” or a “method of discipline”. Hatha yoga, therefore, translates to practice that brings the union of pairs of the opposite.
Hatha Yoga comprises of a set of asanas that are designed to align the body in a certain way that facilitates various energy channels in the body; so that energy can flow freely. It is a powerful tool for self-transformation as it eases physical and mental obstacles. Regular practice of Hatha Yoga creates a path to explore the next limbs of yoga namely: pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana(meditation), and samadhi (absorption or balance).
The main principle behind the practice of Hatha Yoga is breathing. Controlling our breath can help improve oxygenation in the body and reduces stress levels. Therefore, this practice encourages us to focus on our breath, maintain steady balance and promotes stillness in mind.