
*All classes and sessions are reservation only.





For all levels 適合所有程度

*Private Class - please contact us for availability

私人課程 請與我們聯繫


Lots of people find it hard to meditate. However, meditation can be creative and interesting. The Reiki Singing Bowl Meditation is one of the powerful healing session that combines Reiki healing and Tibetan singing bowl healing (sound bath). Reiki can brings you wellness and healing both physical and mentally by relieving pain, harmonising the cells, and rebalancing your body’s energy system while the vibrations of Tibetan singing bowl can produce the beneficial changes in the body by reducing stress, calming mind, deepening relaxation.

我常常聽到,很多人覺得冥想 / 打坐 / 靜心很難。 但是,冥想可以是富有創意且有趣的。 靈氣頌缽療癒結合日本靈氣自然療法和西藏頌缽音療(聲音療浴),是強大的一種新型態自然療程。 靈氣可以減輕疼痛、協調細胞、平衡身體的能量系統,為您帶來身心健康的療癒;而西藏頌缽的振動則可以減輕壓力、使心靈平靜、深度放鬆,從而對身體產生有益的變化。


Guided Meditation


For All Levels 適合所有程度

30/60 mins 30/60分鐘

1-1 private class.


*Online Coaching - please contact us for availability


There are many different forms of meditation. Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses their mind on a particular object, thought or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.  "Meditation" and "mindfulness" are buzzwords these days for good reason. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia. Get expert insight here on meditation and its symbiotic relationship to yoga. It may be used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It may be done while sitting, repeating a mantra, and closing the eyes in a quiet environment. Use this hub as your go-to resource for simple tips and guided practices to quiet your mind and make meditation part of your modern daily life. 

冥想有很多不同的形態與進行的方式。冥想可以被定義為一種實踐(練習),在這種實踐(練習)中,一個人將他們的注意力集中在一個特定的對象,思想或活動上,以實現一種精神上清醒和情緒平靜的狀態。 而近幾年大家很容易將“冥想”和“正念”作連結,成為一個廣為流行的用語。 幾千年來,瑜伽修行者一直在練習禪修。 在這裡獲得有關冥想及其與瑜伽共生關係的深入見解。 此外,冥想還可以用來幫助減輕壓力,焦慮,抑鬱和疼痛。 它可以是坐姿的型態,重複一段mantra,亦或是在動態中,並在(心理上)安靜的環境中閉上眼睛。 透過簡單的技巧和老師引導的練習,透過冥想,讓你的思維平靜下來,將冥想成為你現代日常生活的一部分吧。

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in Reiki Sessions or Reiki Courses. cathy@ayurigin.com