Yoga Eye Pillow 瑜伽眼枕

Yoga Eye Pillow 瑜伽眼枕

Sale Price:$16.55 Original Price:$18.99
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瑜伽眼枕 Yoga Eye Pillow

材質 Material:

外) 柔絲 - 可拆洗 Cover - Silk (removable and washable)

內) 純棉 Inside - nature cotton

內容物 filling:

- 天然薰衣草 Nature Lavender

- 奇亞籽 Chia seeds

功效 Benefits:

- 安神 Calm your mind

- 緩解焦慮 Reduce anxiety

- 舒壓 Release tension and stress

- 眼部按摩 Eye massage

- 緩解眼壓過高造成的疼痛 Reduce the pain from high level of eye pressure

- 助眠 Better sleep

使用範圍 Use it for:

- 於瑜伽攤屍式 Savasana 輔助使用 Yoga Pose, Savasana

- 於臥式冥想時使用 Lie-down Meditation

- 靈氣治療時使用 Reiki Healing

- 按摩療程時使用 Massage Therapy

- 睡前使用 Sleep

- 眼壓高時使用 High level of eye pressure

使用方式 Usage:

- 坐在椅子沙發上時,仰頭並給予頭部支撐,將眼枕直接放置於眼部 use it while sitting, be sure your head is supported

- 躺平時,將眼枕稍作搖晃使其平均垂墜,直接放置於眼部 use it while lying down. shake the eye pillow to balance the seeds before using

- 於太陽下曝曬片刻後使用,時長依據個人喜好,薰衣草味道會提升、增加天然香氣、幫助舒緩身心,奇亞籽的熱度可幫助舒緩眼部壓力 Place under the sun for awhile before using it. It increase the smell of lavender and the temperature of the chia seeds that helps relax your mind and release eye tension

- 於微波爐加熱10-15秒後使用(請勿加熱過長時間),加熱後,薰衣草味道會提升、增加天然香氣、幫助舒緩身心,奇亞籽的熱度可幫助舒緩眼部壓力 Put in the microwave for 10-15 sec before using it. (Do Not Over Heat it)