Reiki Yoga 靈氣瑜伽


Reiki Yoga - Yin Yoga is mainly focused on stretching. It is in between Asana and dynamic meditation. By assisting with Reiki, the class will strengthen the effects of repairing and enhance quiet mind and comfort.

In class, each movement is maintained for 3 to 5 minutes through gentle posture. During the process of dynamic meditation, Reiki is provided by a professional Reiki Master. The Reiki Master will deliever positive energy by hands to support and promote the body's natural healing power and purification process. .

Reiki Yoga - Remedial yoga mainly provides relief for specific discomforts (back pain, shoulder aches, etc.), through a combination of easing posture, breathing, meditation, and reiki to help and speed up the healing process and regain confidence, also, keep healthy and maintain the balance of body-mind-soul.

In classr, for specific pathological conditions, such as back pain, tight muscles in the legs of the athletes, shoulder pain in the office computer family, etc., through passive assisted yoga exercises, each posture continues to stay for a few minutes, with respiratory adjustment, to achieve deep relaxation, and to bring effective rehabilitation to the body.

靈氣陰瑜伽 - 陰瑜伽主要著重伸展,在體位法及動態冥想間,以靈氣輔佐,加強修復效果,提升靜心與舒適度。


靈氣修復瑜伽- 修復瑜伽主要針對特定不適(背部痛,肩膀痠痛等)提供緩解,透過緩和的體位法、呼吸法、冥想及靈氣治療的結合,幫助並加速修復傷口與提振精神,重獲自信與身心靈的健康與平衡。


Hatha Yoga 哈達瑜珈


Yoga is not just a workout. Hatha Yoga is a system of physical exercises and breathing control used in yoga. Most forms of yoga in the West can be classified as Hatha Yoga. Hatha simply refers to the practice of physical yoga postures, meaning your Ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar and Power Yoga classes are all Hatha Yoga. The word “hatha” can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of action, and as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance. Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation.

瑜伽不只是一種健身鍛煉。 哈達瑜珈是一種結合身體運動和呼吸控制的系統。 西方大多數的瑜伽形式都可以歸類為哈達瑜伽。 哈達簡單來說指的是身體瑜伽姿勢的練習,意思是你的阿斯湯加瑜伽,Vinyasa瑜伽,艾楊格瑜伽和力瑜伽等課程都是源自於哈達瑜伽。 “hatha”這個詞可以翻譯成兩種意思:“恣意的”或“有力的”,或者活動的瑜伽;以及“太陽”(ha)和“月亮”(tha),也就是平衡的瑜伽。 哈達瑜伽的練習旨在調整和平靜你的身體、思想和精神,為冥想做準備。因此瑜伽最後一個動作Savasana便是冥想的一種形式。


Meditation 冥想


Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses their mind on a particular object, thought or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.  "Meditation" and "mindfulness" are buzzwords these days for good reason. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia. Get expert insight here on meditation and its symbiotic relationship to yoga. It may be used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It may be done while sitting, repeating a mantra, and closing the eyes in a quiet environment. Use this hub as your go-to resource for simple tips and guided practices to quiet your mind and make meditation part of your modern daily life. 

冥想可以被定義為一種實踐(練習),在這種實踐(練習)中,一個人將他們的注意力集中在一個特定的對象,思想或活動上,以實現一種精神上清醒和情緒平靜的狀態。 而近幾年大家很容易將“冥想”和“正念”作連結,成為一個廣為流行的用語。 幾千年來,瑜伽修行者一直在練習禪修。 在這裡獲得有關冥想及其與瑜伽共生關係的深入見解。 此外,冥想還可以用來幫助減輕壓力,焦慮,抑鬱和疼痛。 它可以是坐姿的型態,重複一段mantra,亦或是在動態中,並在(心理上)安靜的環境中閉上眼睛。 透過簡單的技巧和老師引導的練習,透過冥想,讓你的思維平靜下來,將冥想成為你現代日常生活的一部分吧。