
Reiki Healing Session



建議一次完整療程:4 堂


A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment bed. Most commonly, Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive touch with the practitioner's hands placed and held on a series of locations on the head and front and back of the torso. The placement of the hands should never be intrusive or inappropriate, nor should there be any pressure.

Additional placements on the limbs can be done as needed (for example, if there is an injury or surgical scar), and some practitioners routinely do so. The Reiki practitioner can hold her hands just off the body if needed (for example, in the presence of an open wound or burn), and some practitioners always offer Reiki in this way. - 90 mins (including 30 mins free consultation)

一個完整的靈氣治療通常會讓接收者著裝舒服地躺在治療床上。一般來說,靈氣是通過靈氣治療師的雙手,輕柔的接觸、放置,並維持在身體的頭部和前部和背部的一系列位置上來實施治療。 手的放置不應該是侵入性或不適當的,也不應該有任何過度的壓力。依據每次的治療過程,會根據需要,在肢體上進行額外的放置,延長治療時間(例如,如果有損傷或手術疤痕,或嚴重消化不良等)。 如情況需要的話,靈氣治療師會將雙手從身體旁邊舉起(例如,在存在開放性傷口或燒傷的情況下),以不接觸的方式施予治療,提供靈氣。 - 90分鐘/次 (含30分鐘免費諮詢)

Chakra Balancing



建議一次完整療程:4 - 8 堂


Chakras (Sanskrit: चक्र, IAST: cakra, Pali: cakka, lit. wheel, circle), are focal points in the subtle body used in a variety of meditation techniques in the esoteric traditions of Indian religions and used in new age medicine and psychology.

The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "circle," "wheel," and "cycle," meaning chakras or mind. In the concept of yoga in India, it refers to the energy center distributed in various parts of the human body. This refers especially to those who line the body axis from the coccyx to the head. The chakras are mainly formed by the winding of the midrib, the left and right veins. This concept was found especially in the tantric traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. They are regarded as the focal point, or the spiritual node in the subtle body of the practitioner. The Indian philosophy considers the chakras to exist in the body, while in charge of the physical and mental functioning. In total, there are seven major chakras in the physical aspect related to the function of various organs; in the psychological aspect, Affects both emotional and spiritual aspects. It has a close relationship with color, which corresponds to the seven colors and whites of the rainbow from bottom to top, and derives color therapy. It means using natural energy in the life and using color energy (light) to give physical therapy to the body and mind, giving a sense of physical and mental comfort and returning to a balanced and healthy state. - 90 mins (including 30 mins consultation)

Chakras(梵文:चक्र,IAST:cakra,Pali:cakka,lit. wheel,circle)是印度宗教深奧傳統中用於各種冥想技巧的微妙身體的焦點,並用於新時代的醫學和心理學。

Chakra(चक्र) 一詞源於梵文,意思是「圓」、「輪子」、「週期」,意譯為脈輪或氣卦,在印度瑜伽的觀念中是指分布於人體各部位的能量中樞,尤其是指從尾骨到頭頂排列於身體中軸者。 脈輪主要是由中脈、左脈及右脈纏繞所形成。這個概念特別在印度教,佛教和耆那教的密宗傳統中發現。 他們被視為焦點,或精神節點在實踐者的微妙身體。印度哲學認為脈輪存在於身體中,同時掌管身心運作,而人總共有7大脈輪。身體方面與各器官功能有關;在心理方面則對情感及精神方面都有影響。其與色彩有密切的關係,由下而上分別對應彩虹的七種色彩及白色,並衍生出色彩療法。意即在生活中活用色彩能量(光)對身體及心靈進行自然療法,給予身心安適感而回歸平衡的健康狀態。  因此,若感到身體有哪裡不舒服,或者心情不舒暢,都有可能是身上的某些脈輪不平衡或堵塞所影響。 - 90分鐘/次 (含30分鐘免費諮詢)

Mental Healing



建議一套完整療程:21 堂

Distance Reiki Healing



建議一套完整療程:4 - 5 堂、21堂

Mental Healing is a technique that guides Reiki energy into mental level of persons. The mental level is a part of our consciousness including our habits and faiths, what we believe, and our behaviour patterns. In this level, Reiki can harmonise inappropriate (negative) thoughts and behaviour modes. Reiki always works indirectly, stimulating self-healing. The receiver assimilates only as much Reiki as he needs according to his statement at that moment. That's exactly how Reiki helps us entirely and on all levels to function in a better, more spiritual and natural way. It allows us to harmonise common problems like inferiority feelings, angst, sorrow and addictions. Regularly applied, it brings light in the repressed parts of our personality and can protect us in this way from confrontations with our shadow in the exterior world, like disease, accidents, or relational crisis. Mental healing with Reiki is activated with the healing words of affirmation. - 90-120 mins (including 45-60 mins consultation)

心靈治療是一種將靈氣能量引導到精神層面的自然療法。 心理層面是我們意識的一部分,包括我們的習慣、信念、我們相信的事物,以及我們的行為模式。 在這個層面中,靈氣可以協調不適當(負面的)的想法和行為模式。靈氣會一直間接地起作用,刺激自我修復。 接收者只會吸收他當下狀態所需要的靈氣。 這就是靈氣如何以更精神且自然的方式幫助我們更完整以及幫其他層面運作更完善。它使我們能夠協調諸如自卑感、焦慮、悲傷和(負面習慣)成癮等常見問題。 定期、持續、頻繁的療程,能為我們個性的壓抑部分帶來光明,並以這種方式保護我們避免受外在世界所影響的任何身心威脅,如疾病、事故或關係危機。靈氣心靈治療需通過肯定句(affirmation)的配合來激活靈氣的精神治療。 - 90至120分鐘/次 (含45-60分鐘免費諮詢)

While learning Reiki Healing, we understand that we are not only a physical body. We are also energy body that made by aura (energy fields), chakra (energy centres), medidians (energy pathways). Our physical body takes in food for nutritions and energy, so as out energy body.The energy fields takes energy in, chakra break it down, and meridians brings it throughout the body. Aura comprised of 4 different levels: Etheric Field, emotional field, mental field, and spiritual field. These energy fields are also referred to our 4 levels of being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.Each energy field has its own function but has recreation with each other as our physical body does. We can sense is while scanning by hands. After communicating with receivers and knowing their physical or mental problems, we give reiki healing to comfort and release the statement. For example, for those who has surgery or has illness, their physical field needs to be healed; for those who has been suffered from depression, a healing session focusing on emotional field will be performed. If you are willing to receive a distant reiki healing, we will need you to provide your photo, the address you are at while receiving a session, and a brief description of your mental and physical problems. The session will be processed by phone, or on skype. In general, it takes 30 minutes to complete a distant healing session with another 30 minutes for communication and consultation. - 90 mins (including 30 mins free consultation)

在靈氣療癒學習中可以認識到,我們並不只是一具身體而已,我們也是個能量體,而能量體是由三項構成:aura 生物光環 (energy fields能量層), chakra 脈輪 (energy centres能量中心), meridians 經絡 (energy pathways能量路徑)。我們的身體需要透過飲食來獲得營養與能量,我們的能量體也是:藉由生物光環吸收,經由脈輪分解,再透過經絡傳遞到全身。而Aura生物光環有分Etheric Field 乙太層、Emotional Field 情緒層、Mental Field 心理層、Spiritual Field 精神層;分別反應人的四種階段:physical, mental, emotional, spiritual selves. 生理、心理、情緒、精神。每一道能量層都不同並有其獨立的功能,但也像身體一樣彼此間會交互作用。這些範圍能以觸覺感知,這也是我們在以雙手施予靈氣時所感應到的。 在瞭解接收者的身心理狀態後,對能量層施予靈氣,改善不適,例如:手術或臥病在床的人需要生理疼痛的舒緩、對自己在意的人事物有過度的焦慮與低落需要情緒上的安撫。遠距靈氣是搭起空間與時間的橋樑,可修復童年陰影、過去創傷、與特定對象之人際關係、改善不良習慣等,欲接收者須提供照片、接收時所在地點、以及自己身體與心理狀態描述,我們將透過電話、或Skype視訊進行溝通與諮詢,並依據需求客製最佳的一套療程。 - 60至120分鐘/次 (含30-60分鐘免費諮詢)