
Usui Reiki Level 1





It is our concept to receive you here at AYURIGIN in a loving and warm way. All are in line with the magical event that you are going to live during the initiations into the Reiki energy. We have prepared the training courses with a lot of love and try to share with you important knowledge and abilities of the Reiki healing. The training program takes into account all important aspects of the Usui System of Natural Healing. We grant attention on methods of self-development and self-healing. The core of Reiki Level 1 training is naturally the ritual initiations (attunements) into the Reiki energy in the line of The Great Reiki Master, founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. We transmit the first degree of Reiki in four ritual acts. Therefore, Reiki will circulate inside of you and flow out of your hands, whenever you want, wherever you want, as long as you are alive. Some important parts of the practice in the first degree training are the self-treatment and a complete therapeutic treatment to another person with Reiki. Family members, or children with parents are great learning partners because Reiki brings you more compassion love and it opens your heart. We recommend you to take both Level 1 and 2 courses together since it brings you more options to practice, to experience and it brings up more effects after the course and while your practice.

我們在這裡的意義就是以溫暖且充滿愛的方式歡迎您來到AYURIGIN。這些神奇的感受都將在你接受靈氣能量啟動期間發生。我們帶著慈愛的心準備靈氣培訓課程,並期待與您分享靈氣教學的重要知識和能力。課程中延續了臼井靈氣自然療法系統中的重要層面,並關注自我發展和自我療癒的方法。臼井靈氣一階課程的核心是以靈氣大師,臼井靈氣的創始人 - 臼井甕男博士的傳承方式,透過受培訓的靈氣老師施予靈氣啟動儀式(點化, attunement)讓靈氣能量能在您體內自然流動。在一階課程中,我們將傳遞四個靈氣啟動點化儀式。課程結束後,靈氣就會一直存在你內心流淌,靈氣也能透過你的掌心輸出,無論何時、何地,即使很久沒有練習,都依然有作用。一階課程最重要的部分就是自我療癒和為他人做完整的全方位靈氣治療。家人和親子間會是很好的共同學習夥伴,因為靈氣能帶給你更多的愛以及更開放的心。通常我們會建議,且目前多數學生也都是一、二階課程一起上,這樣的方式能夠提供你在自我練習時能夠有更多元的選擇以及有更多不同層面的體驗,課程後也會有較深的影響同時在練習期間也會帶出許多個人心理、生理、精神層面的問題並接受修復。

Usui Reiki Level 2



課程時間:2個全天 (可私人一對一)


If you wish to further develop your practice with Reiki, you will sooner or later want to enlarge your Reiki skills. It will be the initiations (attunements) into the three powerful spiritual Reiki symbols of the second degree, transmitted by Dr. Mikao Usui, that will enable you to further explore the emotional and spiritual level of the Reiki system. At the same time, you will be able to further enhance the flow of energy coming out of your hands. This step is for many like the opening of a sort of magical door, which lets us in to a new kind of personal Reiki practice. The acquaintance with the symbols broadens our mind and our possibilities to heal and grow with Reiki. Following the initiation into the energy of the second level and the three symbols, you will learn different methods for building a deeper contact with the energetic quality of these symbols, for gaining a complete understanding of them on all levels, especially the ethereal one. You will of course learn the classic methods of the second level, which are healing at a distance and the mental healing. In addition, we invite you to experience new methods which will help you procede on your personal way, namely the systematic contact with your inner child and the clearing of karma. You will learn how to send Reiki energy into past or future situations and that there are virtually no more limits for your energy practice. We practise all techniques and methods together and see to it that you will be able to use them directly in your daily life or your practice. The theory part of the second degree mainly concerns the symbols. We will address questions like: what are Reiki symbols, how are they composed, what do they mean, how do they work. In the class, we will also experience Guided Reiki Meditations, which will help you to sense more and have deeper connection with Reiki symbols as well as the Reiki energy.


Usui Reiki Master Degree




For those who have strong desire and interest to have a deeper understanding of Reiki, you may consider to take the Master Degree. In Master Degree, you will learn how to teach and perform attunements with all the details of practical parts. There are some rules and standard that you have to complete, achieve and be qualified before you are confirmed for taking the course. You will have to complete both first and second degrees. For those who took courses from other systems or teachers before, you will have to complete both 1st and 2nd degrees at AYURIGIN before taking Master Degree. After the course, we will need your to perform, practice several forms of Reiki on your own, and you will assist in our 1st and 2nd courses. You may also take Master Degree and take your time to practice before receiving certificate. It is our responsibility to make sure the ability of performing and teaching are above the standard and we will need to examine repeatedly to control the quality before giving certificate. Remember, it is all about your intension. Never judge yourself, no need to beat yourself. It is also a great experience to take the course for deepen your self practice and Reiki experience instead of focusing on getting the certificate. You are always welcome to have some tea and share your feeling and confusion.


Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in Reiki Sessions or Reiki Courses. cathy@ayurigin.com