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Reiki Share & Healing Meditation 團體靈氣與療癒冥想

Group Reiki 團體靈氣


Reiki Share & Healing Meditation is available for all levels of Reiki Practitioners and for those who are interested in nature healing therapy. If you are having difficulties to face your daily life, if you have doubts on yourself or are lack of confidence, if you feel stressed, or depressed, if you are anxious or angry about your relationship, if you have insomnia, this event is a guidance for you to improve yourself and release the discomfort or disorder that you are having now. Reiki is LOVE. You have the ability to heal yourself. Join us and give yourself a chance to make a change. 

時間 Time:四月二十四日週三 2019.04.24 Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm

費用 Price: NT$600.-


Bring with you an Open Heart and a cozy, comfy outfit. Cushions, blankets, yoga bolsters and eye masks are available. 

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*空位有限,請儘早預約 Places are limited, please reserve in advance.  

*欲了解更多完整靈氣療程 For other Complete Reiki Healing Sessions:

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